From Architectural Immanence

Maison des arts de Créteil - From Architectural Immanence
The video presents a situation that is very common everywhere in China. On the one hand, more and more old Chinese houses are being destroyed and new international-style buildings are being built. On the other hand, many new buildings carry Chinese traditional elements.

The video presents a situation that is very common everywhere in China. On the one hand, more and more old Chinese houses are being destroyed and new international-style buildings are being built. On the other hand, many new buildings carry Chinese traditional elements. In the video, the artist placed scores on top of the images of Chinese - and western-style buildings. The red and yellow dots hit the pitches as they move alons the outlines of the buildings and the scores. Interestingly, the red dots, which follow the outlines of traditional Chinese buildings, generate sounds of Chinese instrumens ; while the yellow dots, which follow the outlines of western style buildings, generate sounds of western instruments.